When to Use a Plagiocephaly Helmet
The use of a helmet for plagiocephaly is an effective way to re-shape the head if counter-positioning has not been successful. Usually, for mild plagiocephaly, counter-positioning is a viable option and should be tried first if a child is 3 to 6 months of age. If head shape does not improve, then a helmet is another option. Optimal time to start helmeting is between 5-6 months of age.
For moderate to severe plagiocephaly, helmet use may be the first option, especially if the client is 6-10 months of age. Time is of the essence since head growth has such a short window (80% is grown in the first year). It is during growth that the head shape can be influenced.
Remember, every child is different so these are just basic guidelines. See your orthotist, family doctor or physiotherapist regularly to monitor the progress of the head shape.
Please contact us for more information on plagiocephaly and infant hemets
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